How can I save time and money?How can I protect my colonies?
Is there something about modwars in the Internet?
How can I save time and money?
On most handsets you can recall the last visited page directly out of the cache (temporary storage) of the handset by pressing the "Left Arrow" button. This saves time and money, though you won't get a current page from the server. Especially for pure menus this is normally no disadvantage. Using multiple keystrokes you can also recall the page before the last page and so on.Many handsets also offer the possibility to turn of the loading of images in the browser settings. In this case modwars loses some of its look, but can still be played. That's another possibility to save time and money.
How can I protect my colonies?
Every newly colonized planet is protected several days by the Galactic Settling Committee. Normally this is sufficient to build some shield generators to protect the planet against attacks out of space.Is there something about modwars in the Internet?
On www.modwars.de you find more information and a couple of screenshots of modwars. On yahoogroups.com/group/modwars-player/join you can join the modwars-player mailinglist.Back
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